Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Sunday, We ate at of my favorite places to eat in the city, it’s a place called simply The Hudson Diner. It was really nice to actually have some breakfast food for a change other than Poptarts in the morning. I had a delicious meal that consisted of sunny side up eggs, bacon, and hash browns. After our great meal we headed back to the apartment for a lazy day of watching the NFL playoffs, eating junk food, and frequent cat naps. When the night came around and it was time to go to bed I realized it was going to be tough to fall asleep. So I went uptown to small grocery story by our old apartment because I knew it was open 24 hours and everything around our new apartment was closed. When I got there I bought some Tylenol PM to help me fall asleep, but I had never taken it before. Long story short I had a reaction to it and it made me itch from head to toe literally. You know the felling for pins and needles when a limb wakes up from falling asleep? I had the feeling all over my body and it made it near impossible to fall asleep. So I called my mother and headed to her apartment to get so good sleeping pills. They did the trick and I sleep like a baby.

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