Saturday, January 9, 2010

I’m writing this in past tense because I was too tired last night to blog:

When we woke up I knew that I was going to be sore by the end of the day because our assignment was to help the women’s project get the word out about their now performance called “Smudge”. In order to spread the word we set out on foot to drop off information and promotion cards to coffee shops and any place that looked like they would substantially circulated. My group and I were assigned to the east village, which involves a lot of walking, but is easier to navigate. After we finished our deliveries we met up with the rest of the kids in the class and went out to eat at a really good Chinese restaurant. When we finished eating a classmate and I went out to look a store called Strawberry’s, but we were pressed for time to get up town to attend “free Fridays” at the Museum of Modern Art. The MoMA as they call it was filled with timeless pieces of art such as Picasso, Tim Burton, and Vincent Van Gogh just to name a few. That was out last stop of the night and we went back to out apartment to just rest and some of us passed out as soon as we got there. It was somewhat weird to be no be in and toning down by 8:30 on a Friday night, but it was very refreshing to just sit and relax.

1 comment:

  1. What was your favorite piece at MoMA? Did you see the original Three Musicians? That was your favorite as a child. Did you know that you used to make me cut up copies of Picasso's paintings so you could put them together as puzzles?
